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Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup120ML
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Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup120ML
Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup120ML
Ref No 14151

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RM41.90 RM55.87
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  • Description

    QUICK OVERVIEWAppeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup is a dietary supplement for children, to improve their appetite and promote growth. This product is suitable for children below 4 years old because it is in the form of liquid and majority of the nutrients comply with 100% of United States Dietary Reference Intake (US DRI) for children, 1-3 years. SHORT DESCRIPTIONAppeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup is a dietary supplement fortified with Lysine for a healthy appetite and healthy growth. It comes in clear syrup which is easily absorbed and safe to be taken because there isnt any additional artificial colouring and alcohol. Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup also comes with a dose master that can help parents for easy feeding and accurate measurement. * Fruity flavor * No artificial coloring * No alcohol. DIRECTION FOR USECan drop directly on tongue, milk, juice or liquid food. * Infant 0 12 month : 1 ml per day * Children < 4 years old : 2.5 ml per day * Children > 4 years old : 5 ml per day or * As directed by physician. INGREDIENTSEach 5 ml contains: L-lysine 100mg, Vitamin A 5000i.u., Vitamin D3 400 i.u., Vitamin E 10mg, Vitamin B1 2mg, Vitamin B2 1mg, Vitamin B6 1mg, Nicotinamide 20 mg, Vitamin C 30 mg, D-Panthenol 10mg. CONTRA INDICATIONNot Available CAUTIONDo not keep in direct sunlight.

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Appeton Multivitamin Lysine Syrup120ML