Fatty Liver
HTM Pharmacy

What is Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver is a condition caused by too much fat built up in the liver. This becomes a problem when fat content reaches 5-10% of the liver’s weight. Pathophysiology involves fat accumulation (steatosis), inflammation, and fibrosis. Steatosis results from hepatic triglyceride accumulation.

The prevalence of fatty liver among Malaysian population is 23%  with around 49.6% are diabetics and up to 90% are obese patients.



Risk Factors

Cigarette smoking
Excessive alcohol intake
Unhealthy diet (fatty food)


Sign & Symptoms

Pain at the upper right side of the abdomen
No appetite and weight loss
Yellowish skin (jaundice)
Extreme tiredness and mental confusion



Increased risk of liver cancer
Ascites (fluid build-up in abdomen)
Leg swellings


Food to Focus

Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese and calcium-fortified cottage cheese)

Green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, collard greens, dried figs, turnip greens, mustard greens)

Fish (canned salmon, sardines with the bones)

Nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts)

Wheat Bran


Food to Avoid

High-salt food



Red meat


Lifestyle Modifications

Avoid alcohol

Obtain sufficient sleep

Exercise regularly to achieve weight loss

Regular check-up



1. Fatty liver disease: Risk factors, symptoms, types & prevention [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15831-fatty-liver-disease

2. HFM - Hepatitis Free Malaysia. [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://hepatitisfreemsia.org.my/page.jsp?pageId=pNAFLD

3. Watson S. Fatty liver diet: What foods to eat and what foods to avoid [Internet]. Healthline. Healthline Media; 2021 [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/fatty-liver-diet#_noHeaderPrefixedContent

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