p span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); font-family: Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 文泉驛正黑, 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '儷黑 Pro', 'LiHei Pro', 'Heiti TC', 微軟正黑體, 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap;" Product details of Senka Skin Care Perfect Bubble Body 500ml - Floral Plus - A body wash with Senka's perfume technology, "smell change sensor" transforms sweat odors and will have you not worrying about unpleasant smells all day long. - ・Wash using the abundant lather for skin without odor concerns or loss of moisture. - ・Moisturizing Ingredients: naturally derived silk essence (※1), double hyaluronan (※2) ・With a fresh, cool floral plus fragrance. (※1) sericin, hydrolyzed silk, glycerin (moisturizing) (※2) sodium acetylated hyaluronate, sodium hyaluronate (moisturizing) Naturally derived silk essence is a moisturizing ingredient with high purity that is taken carefully from the fine silk cocoons. - -洗顏專科旗下首款身體沐浴產品,能消除汗味等令人在意的異味,長時間散發清爽的花果香氣,夏日也能全面安心。 - -新技術「異味轉換因子」,運用「感應轉換香料」包覆由汗及皮脂造成的異味或體臭,轉變為洗顏專科專屬的花果香氣。 - -制菌成分「黃柏精華」 - -富含「蠶絲蛋白保養成分」 - -添加多重花果香氛,洗後肌膚一整天洋溢甜美芳香。 - -經過敏性測試,溫和呵護全身每一吋肌膚。 A body wash with Senka's perfume technology, "smell change sensor" transforms sweat odors and will have you not worrying about unpleasant smells all day long. ・Wash using the abundant lather for skin without odor concerns or loss of moisture. ・Moisturizing Ingredients: naturally derived silk essence (※1), double hyaluronan (※2) ・With a fresh, cool floral plus fragrance. (※1) sericin, hydrolyzed silk, glycerin (moisturizing) (※2) sodium acetylated hyaluronate, sodium hyaluronate (moisturizing) Naturally derived silk essence is a moisturizing ingredient with high purity that is taken carefully from the fine silk cocoons. -洗顏專科旗下首款身體沐浴產品,能消除汗味等令人在意的異味,長時間散發清爽的花果香氣,夏日也能全面安心。 -新技術「異味轉換因子」,運用「感應轉換香料」包覆由汗及皮脂造成的異味或體臭,轉變為洗顏專科專屬的花果香氣。 -制菌成分「黃柏精華」 -富含「蠶絲蛋白保養成分」 -添加多重花果香氛,洗後肌膚一整天洋溢甜美芳香。 -經過敏性測試,溫和呵護全身每一吋肌膚。 /span /p
Senka Skin Care Perfect Bubble Body 500ml - Floral Plus x 2 unit