p Relieves coughs due to cold, flu, tickling throat, loosens phlegm, soothes sore throat and irritated throaHow To Use This mixture is recommended to be taken uninterruptedly 4 or 5 times daily once every 3 hoursto be taken with equal volume of hot water or hot milk according to the dosage directionsThe first dosage should be taken after breakfast, and 2 or 3 doses during day timeThe last dose should be taken immediately before retiringit is advisable to drink some hot water after taking the mixtureDosage For infants under 1 year old - 0.5 to 1 teaspoonful. For children 1 year to 2 years old - 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. For children 2 years to 16 years - 2 to 3 teaspoonful. For adults - 4 teaspoonfuls. /p