Dry Eye Syndrome
HTM Pharmacy

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eyes happen due to tear deficiency which can cause eye discomfort. It is associated with increased osmolarity of the tear film and inflammation of the ocular surface. 

According to a study conducted in Kuala Lumpur, there are around 15% of the sample population experiencing dry eyes.


Common risk factors

Laser eye surgery
Menopausal hormone therapy
Omega fatty acids deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency
Prolonged wearing of contact lens
Prolonged exposure to computer screen

Sign & Symptoms

Eye redness & dryness

Watery eyes

Grittiness or foreign body sensation

Increased frequency of blinking

Blurry vision



Eye infection/inflammation

Corneal ulcer

Eye scarring

Vision loss


Food to Focus

Colourful & leafy vegetables (kale, collards, spinach)

Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel)

Seeds (chia seeds, flaxseed)

Nuts (walnuts, cashew)



Food to Avoid


Processed food

Food high in sugar


Lifestyle Modifications

Practise good eye care hygiene

Avoid low humidity environment

Take a break by closing eyes/blinking regularly when working on computers

Drink sufficient water to keep hydrated

Avoid wearing contact lens when having dry eyes



1. Milner MS, Beckman KA, Luchs JI, Allen QB, Awdeh RM, Berdahl J, et al. Dysfunctional tear syndrome: Dry Eye disease and associated tear film disorders - new strategies for diagnosis and treatment [Internet]. Current opinion in ophthalmology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2017 [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5345890/

2. Incidence of dry eye in a sample population in Kuala Lumpur [Internet]. [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://www.iomcworld.org/articles/incidence-of-dry-eye-in-a-sample-population-in-kualalumpur.pdf

3. Lab P. 3 foods that cause dry eyes (and foods to help them) [Internet]. Performance Lab®. [cited 2022Jan5]. Available from: https://www.performancelab.com/blogs/vision/3-foods-that-cause-dry-eyes-and-foods-to-help-them

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